Whenever you need to send flowers, just call a real florist, easy peasy. No added fee’s, No surprises. If you don’t want to completely get ripped off, call a florist directly. Only use the website that has the name of the florist, NOT 1-800-Flowers, FTD, Teleflora, etc. They are robbing you blind. If you like to support people in your neighborhood who eat & shop at the same grocery stores you do, because they like to eat too, call a local florist directly or use their website.
Every year on “The Holiday of Love” LaBella Flowers is conditioning bloom’s, designing creative bouquets and arrangements, wrapping them with care, writing your messages, and carefully delivering them to your sweetheart. Then, you receive a text with a picture when they arrive! If your money tree is blooming out of control, go to the casino and drop it on BINGO, you will have a better time!!! And don’t even get me started on Funeral Flower Ordering! When you are ordering off the funeral home's website – you are not getting what you paid for, Period! Convenience has a price, Go figure! Another time on this subject……… Mary LaBella – Independent and Non-Traditional Florist serving up custom floral creations. www.labellaflowers.com (315) 525-0888 Ok, let’s get this started…What is Random Act of Flowers?...Stay with me here.
It's handing someone blooms wrapped in kindness. The act itself, giving flowers, is the spark that ignites the good feelings in both the giver and the receiver! Let’s go a little deeper…it’s that “flowers for no reason”, the random action of handing someone a bouquet that starts the positive energy flowing. And we need this, we all NEED this. The World is getting cray-cray!!! Two years without seeing any facial expressions, a war, economic stress, Hollywood slapping each other, kid’s identifying as Ivy; oh yea…I could go on and on. Everyone has something they’re dealing with! Everyone could use some kindness! Let’s be honest here…smelling a ranunculus or gazing at a lily won’t get that Peace Train soundin’ any louder…or will it? The simple sight of flowers coming in the door starts a reaction on anyone’s face! Then, when you hold it out to them, it’s amazing. They light up! I’m not just blowing smoke here…I have witnessed this first-hand! People sparkle and smile when you hand them a bouquet of flowers! I guarantee you will start smiling too! How many times have we wanted to say “hello” or “thank you” or just do something nice for no reason? Send a bouquet, or just pick one up - Flower One, our mobile flower studio will be out and about soon! So! Who helped you today? Who delivered your mail, handed you a coffee, made sure the power came into your home, or just plain looked like they needed a lift? Who needs to hear that you appreciate them, or that you're thankful for them in your life? Maybe you don’t even know the person’s name, but you want to tell them that you care…that you see them. Do you yourself need a lift? Maybe you're sick of counting likes or sick of being absorbed in your own opinions and want to be a better human and let yourself smile. So, who’s got the lighter? Let’s spark the fire! OK, let’s get this started!!!! LaBella Flowers is starting a wave: EVERY WEEK, one random customer who had flowers ordered for delivery or picked up at the truck in the last 7 days is gonna get a FREE bouquet in return as our own “Random Act of Flowers”. That’s Right!!! Now who’s the cray-cray one?!?! Whatever you wanna call it…giving back, positive energy or paying it forward, I’m launching Random Act of Flowers in hopes of starting a wave of happiness and positivity in our community. Because, if every flower is a God-given miracle, then the miracle of every flower can change our entire world! The Power of Love, I feel it every time I hear certain songs, kiss my Joey, or watch my mom fry me an egg and toast❤️
We all could truly fill this page with feelings and visions of love, but, what's the point? I believe with all my heart, Valentines and Flowers are grown to bring Love. Just add flowers to any cliche listed and you've got it!
I guess the point is, saying I LOVE you IS the point of Valentine's day! ...when the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, That's Amore ! In the words of Nicolas Cage.... ~ Love don't make things nice, it ruins everything, it breaks your heart, it makes things a mess! We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect, Stars are Perfect. Not us... We are here to ruin ourselves, and to break our hearts, and to love ....... Moonstruck and when words escape you....Flowers Speak for you, That's LaBella Flowers, ❤️Here to Help OK- You've received a Bouquet of Hand-tied Flowers! Or treated yourself to some much needed Flower Therapy. After the flower selfies and posting, (don't forget to tag #labellaflowers and #keeplovealive) get ready for the FUN!
What to do now...no worries! Whether this is your first or you're a seasoned pro when it comes to cut stems, we've got you covered. Pro tips and all. Here's what you need to know to keep your bouquet looking good and lovin' life!
Nitty Gritty
Enjoy your bouquet! All that's needed to care for your flowers is part of the good vibe they bring to you. It feels good to look at Happy Flowers and we love to see happy faces. Please send us a message or a picture with our smiling faces! On Facebook: @LaBellaFlowersbyMary or text it to 315-525-0888 What's the first gift a child brings to Mom? YOU GUESSED IT, Flowers!
That handful of fresh-picked yellow weeds and grass squeezed tightly, in little dirty hands, looking up to see the big smile on Mom's face. This act of Love is what brings us to a special day in May when we all recognize Mother's Day!!! Thank you for the sacrifices, dedication, patience, and understanding needed to raise someone. Let's face it, children are the reason some mothers have wine in their coffee cup... (I saw this on Facebook) Who ever the mother-figure is in your life, Mom, Nonnie, Step Mom, Wife, or The Fur Babies Mama, we have a few fun choices. Give or send the "Mama Kin" Bouquet or maybe the " Woman of the World" arrangement. ...... you decide, we deliver! Take the words of Aerosmith to heart and give us a call, "Keep in touch with Mama Kin". LOVE is LOVE
So, let's throw tradition into the wind, then, let it blow back and hit you in the FACE!!! Embrace this holiday of Love and let your heart speak out! Be romantic - it's ok to love yourself, love your dog, and love your Momma...and anyone else you see that needs a hug! Let the flowers be your hug! We all know that blowing a kiss through a mask just plain blows...but sending or handing someone flowers has an immediate impact of happiness....and maybe, with a little less anxiety! Let's face it...who couldn't use a little more happiness in their lives? Yes, I know, you don't need a holiday to say "I Love You" but, let's just be mushy, or romantic, or silly....and not so uptight about life. Go along with a Crazy Little Thing Called Valentines Day! Call LaBella Flowers and spread some love this year. At the very least...have some FUN! November kicks off the holiday season with high expectations of a cozy and festive time of year. So jump on to the Gratitude Train and ride this season with grace and gratefulness! Let's grow more appreciation for what you have and ignore the have-nots!!! By giving flowers, it will keep you on track.
It's a proven fact your body gives good vibes to your brain while your giving flowers, when you receive flowers and while looking at flowers. So, show your thanks for whatever life brings your way. Get your head up and smile! Forget about the "what kind of person they are" hang-ups... ride the emotion, embrace the warm feeling in your chest, it's called Gratitude! So you might not always have the right words for a feeling, but there is always a Bouquet. And saying many thanks with flowers will make you feel like a SuperStar!!! Stay positive, Give thanks, Give flowers! Horror Movie Greats or as I like to say, MY GUYS!!! Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, Dracula, Damian, and the Candyman...just to name a few. LOL!
I will never get enough of those jack-a- lanterns, pumpkin heads, Halloween Faces and Orange ghouls. Yes...I love this "only in America" holiday called Halloween! Celebrating has changed over the years for me...from dressing the part and hitting the streets (too many years to count), attending house parties (my BFF makes the party a fundraiser for Humane Society! ) to now...simply putting out a pumpkin, and watching a scary movie (lights out!) It's All Good!! Yes, I was raised and believe to celebrate everything you love. So grab your baby, turn the lights off and let the nightmares on Elm Street or whatever you can dig up, scare the shit out of you, or laugh your way to a great evening! BOOO!!! When you can't find the words to help someone during a horrible time in life. When you need to put your feelings into motion. If your heart is telling you to console, support, share the burden of grief, send flowers.
Flowers soften the blow of the "memory picture'. The SERVICE itself, called the Wake, is for the living... let that set in... You’re gathering to express feelings, and it's a time to pay tribute, reflect, gain strength from others. Attending a funeral service is comforting, reassuring and a testament that a life has been well-lived. You are contributing to a fellowship of support. Flowers bring comfort to the survivors and attending family members and friends. They are called TRIBUTE pieces for that reason. Flowers comfort the living and are tokens of respect for the deceased. |
AuthorMary has trained as a florist for over 40 years, as she continuously follows her happiness and bliss. Designer of "all things floral", Mary brings her extensive background in visual merchandising and event management to you; either thru the window of her mobile flower studio, FLOWER ONE, or on-site at your special life event. Archives
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