Whenever you need to send flowers, just call a real florist, easy peasy. No added fee’s, No surprises. If you don’t want to completely get ripped off, call a florist directly. Only use the website that has the name of the florist, NOT 1-800-Flowers, FTD, Teleflora, etc. They are robbing you blind. If you like to support people in your neighborhood who eat & shop at the same grocery stores you do, because they like to eat too, call a local florist directly or use their website.
Every year on “The Holiday of Love” LaBella Flowers is conditioning bloom’s, designing creative bouquets and arrangements, wrapping them with care, writing your messages, and carefully delivering them to your sweetheart. Then, you receive a text with a picture when they arrive! If your money tree is blooming out of control, go to the casino and drop it on BINGO, you will have a better time!!! And don’t even get me started on Funeral Flower Ordering! When you are ordering off the funeral home's website – you are not getting what you paid for, Period! Convenience has a price, Go figure! Another time on this subject……… Mary LaBella – Independent and Non-Traditional Florist serving up custom floral creations. www.labellaflowers.com (315) 525-0888 |
AuthorMary has trained as a florist for over 40 years, as she continuously follows her happiness and bliss. Designer of "all things floral", Mary brings her extensive background in visual merchandising and event management to you; either thru the window of her mobile flower studio, FLOWER ONE, or on-site at your special life event. Archives
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